Residency Workshop with Butoh artist Minako Seki: 18 -23 April
Dear all,
Roehampton Dance is pleased to announce an unique opportunity to participate in a residency workshop with the Berlin-based choreographer and Butoh artist Minako Seki, who will be visiting us from 18 to 23 of April. The application process is simple and the deadline is 4th April (see information attached here).
Residency Workshop: 10am - 4pm, Weds 18th - Sun 22nd April
Screening of works: 5pm, Thurs 19th April
In addition to the workshop, the following activities are free and open to the public in general. Mark your calendars!
Workshop sharing: 5pm, Mon 23rd April
Presentation of works-in-progress developed during the workshop.
Lecture-demonstration: 12:45-2:00pm, Mon 23rd April
In this lecture-demonstration, the Japanese choreographer Minako Seki will give an overview of her creative method, followed by a practical demonstration. The evening will conclude with a Q&A guided by Dr. Cristina Rosa, whose current research on dance and sustainability has drawn her to Seki’s methodology and artworks. Briefly, the Minako Seki Method weaves Japanese concepts (e.g. Tan-Den or ‘life force’; Ke-Hei or ‘what is behind us’) and Eastern bodily practices (e.g. Butoh, meditation, traditional Japanese medicine) with movement exercises/approaches that enhance one’s perception, imagination and consciousness of being-in-the-world. At the heart of her choreographic process is a unique way of improvising movement, which Seki calls “dancing in between”.
All activities will take place at:
Dance department
University of Roehampton | London | SW15 5PJ
Workshop Fees: Standard: £60
Student concession: £45
Roehampton staff/students: £20
How to Apply: Send a brief biography and a statement of interest, no more than one A4 page, by 4th April, 12:00, to Katja Nyqvist:
ABOUT MINAKO SEKI: Dancer, choreographer and teacher, founder of the Minako Seki Company. Her artistic approach cannot be separated from her personal philosophy of living, which in a holistic way combines vipassana meditation, macrobiotic cooking and Japanese traditional body healing techniques. Born in Japan, Minako Seki lives and works in Berlin since 1986. Her first source of influence was the Japanese dancers Tetsuro Tamura and Anzu Furukawa. Both have in common a crucial consideration of human and emotional levels and the fusion of contemporary dance and physical theatre with the classic Butohdance technique. In her pieces Seki investigates the communication between the conscious and the subconscious, the description of emotional states and the boundaries between reality and illusion.
Minako Seki: Short portrait of Minako Seki by Nicolas Clément & Kathy Contreras Manzanilla (2014)
I hope that many of you will take part!
Dr. Cristina F. Rosa
Senior Lecturer in Dance
University of Roehampton | London | SW15 5PJ
office hours: Tuesdays, 12-2 pm [room:LA116a]
Tel: +44 (0) 20 8392 5787